Trigger: This quest is acquired as you recruit Rex. There is also an inherent time delay between the triggers - you can not trigger Log 2 until 9 days after Log 1, and you will not hear from Lorenzo or Martimer for 2 days after that. Notes: Ed-E's companion quest require that the robot 'overhear' conversations with certain key NPCs about topics such as the Enclave, Pre-War Technology, etc. Reward: If you send Ed-E to the Brotherhood of Steel, he'll receive an upgrade to his armor (+8DT), if you send him to the Followers, they'll a-charge up his lazors (~+50% damage, exact amount unconfirmed).

Trigger: Recruit Ed-E, then speak to Johnson Nash in Primm, either in his shop (after installing a new Sheriff), or at the Vicki and Vance (when you first arrive in town). So, this varies wildly by companion, but I'll try to run down all of them.