In our guide we’ll tell you what you can adjust and make recommendations for your first playthrough. For this purpose, developer Owlcat Games has implemented extensive settings. Nevertheless, it makes sense that we adjust the difficulty level so that we can get used to Pathfinder: Kingmaker, learn the game mechanics and only increase the challenge level again when we feel confident enough. But in fact, the balancing needs to be improved only in a few points: Overall, a clear line can be seen and if you are familiar with the rules or study the hints, tooltips and combat messages in the game, you will find a solution for every problem. A lot of people express their frustration about the alleged unfair balancing of the game in negative reviews on Steam.

The difficulty of Pathfinder: Kingmaker seems to be a surprise for many role-players. The makers (Paizo) didn’t want to go along with the simplifications of later D&D editions, but to keep the original complexity of the rules. Pathfinder is basically a decoupling of the classic D&D 3.5 rules, transferred into a world of its own. In Pathfinder: Kingmaker we don’t play in the Forgotten Realms.